Your trusted resource for greater results

Elevate your business
to industry success

Start-To-Finish Business Solutions

Common Issues That We Provide Solutions For

We work with businesses of all sizes from all industries. Whether you are a newly formed business looking for direction & growth, a business that is stagnant and wants to break through to the next level, a business in transition, or an established business that wants to ensure they are operating at their maximum performance…..Work Business Solutions has the tools to assist you in achieving your goals.

Next Level Success

A business that desires to gain a higher level of success but can’t find the way.

Increased Profitability

A business that wants to increase & maximize profits but is struggling to do so.

Stagnant Culture

A business or its workforce that has plateaued or stalled and needs a jump start.

Clear Direction

A new or transitioned business that needs a clear direction.

Business Analysis

A business that is seemingly running well, but the owner/management wants to ensure there are no blind spots or inefficiencies that are present affecting the overall success & health of the company. 

Greater Stability

A business wanting to gain a greater level of operational or workplace stability from day to day.

Work Business Solutions

Your Trusted Resource for Greater Results

What Work Business Solutions can do for you

Provide solutions for business development & growth

  • Improve day to day operations.
  • Provide immediate solutions for blind spots that are affecting profits.
  • Provide the tools to cut inefficiencies & wasted efforts to increase
  • Increase and maximize profits.
  • Provide solutions that provide immediate & long-term success.

Gain the benefits & freedoms that your business should provide

  • High-level business insights and tools for strategic oversight, enabling focus on growth rather than daily tasks.
  • Solutions to minimize operational chaos, enhancing stability and efficiency.
  • Strategies to boost your business’s value, appealing to investors and stakeholders.
  • Guidance on strategic management, allowing owners to concentrate on long-term objectives.
  • Techniques to streamline operations, improving decision-making and employee morale.

We know you may have questions around our services.  If you have any additional questions, please contact us. 

Frequently Asked

How long is a typical engagement?

A typical engagement with WBS varies based on the specific needs and goals of your business. Engagements can range from a few months for targeted solutions to over a year for comprehensive organizational transformations. We tailor the duration to ensure that we meet your objectives effectively.

How much does this cost?

The cost of our services depends on the scope and duration of the engagement, as well as the specific needs of your business. After our initial assessment, we provide a detailed proposal outlining the investment required to achieve your goals. We strive to offer flexible pricing models that accommodate the budgets of diverse businesses.

What size of companies does WBS work with?

Our team has experience across a wide range of industries, including but not limited to technology, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and services. We pride ourselves on our versatile approach, which allows us to provide valuable insights and solutions regardless of the industry.

How What is the typical process of engagement? billing work?

The typical process begins with an initial consultation to understand your business’s current situation, challenges, and objectives. Following this, we conduct an in-depth analysis to identify areas for improvement. We then develop a customized action plan, which we implement in collaboration with your team. Regular progress reviews ensure we are on track to meet your goals.

What size of companies does WBS work with?

WBS works with businesses of all sizes, from small startups seeking direction and growth to medium-sized enterprises aiming to overcome stagnation, and large corporations looking for efficiency optimization and strategic advice. Our expertise is adaptable to any business scale.

Does WBS only work with struggling businesses?

No, WBS works with businesses at various stages of their lifecycle, not just those facing difficulties. Whether you’re looking to scale up, increase profitability, enhance operational efficiency, or simply ensure you’re on the right path, our team is equipped to assist. We are committed to helping all businesses achieve greater success and stability.

Our Team

Operational Development Specialist

Doogie Levine

With a rich background spanning over a decade in management and executive leadership within the youth and recreation industry, Doogie brings a unique blend of experience and vision to the table. His journey has been anything but conventional, leading him down the less-trodden path of business management and operational development. This unique trajectory has equipped him with a fresh perspective on solving complex business challenges.

AI Strategist

Dan Simkins

Dan is a seasoned leader whose expertise spans a dynamic range of skills, from a design background to becoming a proficient .NET developer. His transformative career is marked by innovation, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Dan’s ability to envision the big picture while inspiring others has led to remarkable results throughout his career.